My EVS in Nîmes: Laura, volunteer from Spain

Last September I started my adventure in Nîmes, city that will be my home until August. I choose France and specifically this project because I wanted to improve my French and take part in a project related to education, allowing me to grow up personally but also professionally. I am doing my volunteering in a professional school, where all students are doing a dual vocational training, a type/kind of training I did not know before I arrived here. There, mostly, I help the Spanish and English teachers in teaching these two languages but also I have been involved in different projects. I could not be more thankful with the teachers and the people in the coordinating organization, who were really welcoming, have always been really helpful and gave me autonomy and freedom to come up with new ideas.
Life here goes so fast, more than usual, because days are always different from each other. A part from working in the school, I had the opportunity to work for “Maison de l’Europe” in different projects that make the routine just a memory. Moreover, during these months, I also had the opportunity to discover the South of France, meet lovely people from around the world, try French gastronomy and start accomplishing one of my aims for this year, learning French. I will continue enjoying this adventure, à bientôt!